1. The report is a synoptic compilation of observation noted from the representative tissue sent as biopsy.
  2. Important to use to the report in conjunction with clinico-pathological correlation and other relevant laboratory parameters.
  3. Specimen received are presumed to belong to the patient name, mentioned in the form – requisition or carrier container case details maybe verified on requirement with clinicians.
  4. Special stains, IHC markers will be performed on further request from clinician.
  5. Inconclusive results, related to improper storage & transit/ incorrect labeling, non-representative tissue, insufficient & ill-handled specimens;  will lead to the invite of a fresh specimen for reporting purpose.
  6. Case details, diagnosis and reports will be kept under professional confidentiality. Data may be used for academic teaching and research purposes.
  7. Any resorted use or partial or improper aligned use of this report is not valid and stands null and void.