
We offer routine H&E staining for routine histopathological diagnosis in both soft and hard tissues which require routine/decalcified processing.

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Special Stains

An array of special stains are done for identification of specific cell types, tissues and chemical components. Basic special stains include a. Per-iodic acid Schiff (PAS stain) b. Mucicarmine c. Collagen stains d. Keratin stains e. Melanin stains We also undertake specific stain which you might want to recommend.

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CD34 / SMA / Vimentin. We offer approximately ------ IHC markers which are very specific and invaluable for diagnostic and prognostic evaluation. The IHC markers offered are a. Proliferative markers b. Specific protein markers c. Genetic markers and also disease profile panels can also be done.

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Staining and evaluation of scrape cytology, Fine needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) is done using H&E and Papanicoloau stains(PAP)

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We offer a vast spectrum of evaluation, especially in histological specimens for morphometric analysis, specialized microscopy, Interpretation and evaluation of SEM and TEM images.

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Evaluation for Potentially Malignant disorders and Oral Cancer

We specialize in a. Clinical valuation of pre-malignant disorders and early oral cancers b. Appropriate selection of biopsy sites. c. Histological evaluation and grading d. Evaluation to help clinician or oral surgeon in selection of treatment plan and prognostication. e. Follow-up, documentation and evaluation.

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